Payment dates for follow-on commission 

August to December payment cycle 

US students that have enrolled and commenced their 2nd semester | UK students who have enrolled in September | Australia students who enroll in July 

Payment from: December

Please note: there is a deadline of 28 February for Fall/Autumn queries. 

Operating division 



City, University of London 

Newcastle University 

Queen’s University Belfast

University of Exeter 

University of Stirling 

University of East Anglia


Drew University 

George Mason University 

Hofstra University

Illinois State University 

Oregon State University 

Saint Louis University 

Suffolk University 

University of Alabama at Birmingham 


The University of Western Australia¹

Additional notes 

¹Payments for The University of Western Australia are expected from October for progressors in July, subject to university approvals. Agency partners of The University of Western Australia will be paid by the university directly, according to university timelines. 

January to July payment cycle* 

US students that have enrolled and commenced their 2nd semester | UK students who have enrolled in September | Australia students who enroll in February 

Payment from: May 

Please note: there is a deadline of 31 July for Spring queries.

Operating division 



INTO London 

The University of Manchester²

INTO Manchester (NCUK)²

Manchester Metropolitan University²


Drew University 

George Mason University 

Hofstra University 

Illinois State University 

Oregon State University 

Saint Louis University 

Suffolk University 

University of Alabama at Birmingham 


The University of Western Australia³

Additional notes 

²INTO Manchester related payments are normally released from July onwards. 

³Payments for The University of Western Australia are expected from May for progressors in February, subject to university approvals. Agency partners of The University of Western Australia will be paid by the university directly, according to university timelines.

Speak to us

For further information, please contact:

INTO Parter University Commissions

Guidance for INTO contracted partners placing students directly with UK universities

* Timelines for UK students progressing to a January start program will be communicated later in the year. If you have any students who took a year gap between their INTO pathway and partner university degree, please advise your Regional Manager before 15 October of the year the student progresses.