INTO Oregon State University launches Jump Start employment program.

30 April 2024

STEM students working in a lab

INTO Oregon State University (OSU) is excited to announce the rollout of its Jump Start employment program. The Jump Start employment program is for all international students with INTO Oregon State University support and services. Jump Start lets international students secure on-campus jobs before they leave their home countries — helping reduce the cost of attendance.

Who is eligible for the Jump Start program?

International undergraduate and graduate students who have an offer to study on the OSU Corvallis campus with support and services from INTO OSU.

Students enrolled in Jump Start will enjoy the following benefits:

  • An annual earning potential of $20,000+ (or $15+ per hour).

  • Strengthened interviewing and résumé skills.

  • Valuable work experience that will help students prepare for their postgraduate careers.

  • A network of coworkers and supervisors who can act as professional references.

  • A work environment within walking distance of on-campus housing and classes.

The types of jobs offered on campus include:

  • Housing and dining staff

  • Peer tutor

  • Recreation center staff

  • Front desk worker

  • Lab assistant

  • IT support

  • And many more.

More information about the Jump Start employment program is available in our flyer.

The flyer contains more information about student eligibility, the support that qualified students will receive, and the step-by-step process for registering with Jump Start.

Download the flyer for the Jump Start employment program.