Distinguish between different types of support with INTO US service levels

11 July 2023

International students on campus

INTO offers a variety of admissions routes to support students depending on their needs, from standard entry with additional support to fully comprehensive programs. 

Our most in-depth services are known as INTO Preferred Services, which offer extensive wraparound support specifically designed for international students, including a faster admissions process and continued academic and cultural support. 

Going forward, INTO Preferred Services will now be indicated on Partner Portal by an icon, as shown below, while other direct entry services will appear as before.

SLA Top bar image

INTO Preferred Services include Pathway programs such as International Year One, Undergraduate Transfer Program and Graduate Pathway programs, as well as certain direct entry programs, such as International Direct, Integrated Master’s Program and Master’s International Direct.  

These programs have a number of benefits meant to provide students with comprehensive support, including:  

  • expedited application processing 

  • no application fees 

  • post-arrival support from INTO 

  • Regional Office and automatic awards 

  • guaranteed enrollment in relevant courses 

  • dedicated international student support for study skills, tutoring, academic advising, student services and local language/culture counseling  

You can learn more about US service levels and view a full breakdown of the support provided for each here.