UEA becomes INTO’s newest UK direct entry partner
3 May 2024
We are delighted to welcome the University of East Anglia (UEA) as our newest direct entry partner in the UK!
UEA has been a pathway partner with INTO since 2006. We are now expanding this relationship to offer UEA’s direct entry courses across the INTO network.
Why choose UEA?
What you need to know
Applications are now open for the September 2024 intake. All undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are available as direct entry courses, except for the School of Health Sciences.
Undergraduate applications are via UCAS and completion of the INTO form while postgraduate applications are made via UEA’s on-site web form and completion of the INTO form. See below for more detailed information.
Undergraduate direct entry application process
Applications for undergraduate programs should be submitted via UCAS. Please include your agency details in the UCAS application.
If your agency wishes to be tagged/linked to an application, you’ll need to provide INTO with a copy of the UCAS form (UCAS summary) and the completed INTO form. You must complete this online form no later than 15 days after the application has been submitted to the university via UCAS.
Postgraduate direct entry application process
Applications for postgraduate programs should be made on the university’s online application website.
In the Educational Representative section, please select: ‘I am an Education Representative applying on behalf of an applicant’.
This will open a new field called ‘Educational Representative’. Here you can start to type ‘INTO’ into the box in answer to ‘Who is your Educational Representative?’. From the options given please select ‘INTO Direct Enrol’.
By selecting this option an additional mandatory question will show, where you need to write your agency name along with your URN number (if known).
If your agency wishes to be tagged/linked to an application, you’ll need to provide INTO with proof of the agency involvement. You’ll also need to fill out the INTO form. You must complete this online form no later than 15 days after the application has been submitted on the university's website.
Please note, we will be unable to pay commission if the INTO form has not been completed for undergraduate and postgraduate applications.