Undergraduate - Direct Entry

Illinois State University

With more than 50 STEM-certified programs, including actuarial science and technology among its most notable, Illinois State University delivers innovative degree programs taught by leading scholars and award winners in their field.

Specialist degrees like kinesiology and recreation make use of the high-tech biomechanics lab, and students can take advantage of opportunities to present their research work at some high-profile national conferences. Meanwhile, the fine arts faculty offers a broad range of majors for creative students who are looking for hands-on study, while performing arts majors have the opportunity to take to the stage in the college’s $19.8M concert hall.

Published dates and deadlines are subject to change. Application deadlines listed may vary from what you find on the university website due to internal processing timelines. When applying via the INTO application form, please refer to the application deadlines shown here.


All information is provided as a guide and does not guarantee entry. Admissions decisions are at the discretion of the university.

If you have been enrolled at a college or university, you may be eligible to apply to transfer your studies to Illinois State University. Please note that Nursing is not available for international applicants. More information about transfer applications can be found on the university website.

Academic entry requirements

GPA and prerequisite requirements vary by program, provided students have completed a minimum of one year of study. For students who've studied at the post graduate level for more than one year, they'll be evaluated as freshman and require a 3.0 GPA in High School.

English language requirements

  • TOEFL 79
  • IELTS 6.5

How to apply

Apply via INTO Global Application.

Key Information

  • #64 Best National University (Washington Monthly 2022)
  • ABET accredited in computing sciences
  • AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting
  • Located just two hours from downtown Chicago by bus or train
  • #3 Best Small College Town in America (College Values Online 2022)
  • 21,000+ students from 75 countries
  • 97% of the faculty hold the highest degree possible in their field


Accountancy - Accounting Information Systems (B.S.)

Accountancy - Business Information Systems (B.S.)

Accountancy - Financial Accounting (B.S.)

Accountancy BS/MPA - Accountancy & Information Systems (B.S./MPA)

Accountancy BS/MPA - Professional Accountancy (B.S./MPA)

Agriculture - Agribusiness (B.S.)

Agriculture - Agriculture Communications and Leadership (B.S.)

Agriculture - Agriculture Teacher Education (B.S.)

Agriculture - Agronomy Management (B.S.)

Agriculture - Animal Industry Management (B.S.)