Applications now open for the Drew New Start Undergraduate Transfer Pathway (UTP) program.

19 June 2024

A professor and a student engaging in discourse, INTO Drew New Start UTP

是否有想要重新体验美国大学留学生涯的国际学生?他们或有资格入读INTO德鲁大学New Start本科转学衔接(UTP)课程。 


什么是德鲁New Start本科转学课程? 


被课程录取的学生可以充分利用德鲁大学小班教学的优势。小班授课有助于 培养学生与教授之间的紧密联系。 我们将为学生提供个性化的帮助,以确保每位学生都能获得所需的支持,进而取得成功。  



哪些学生有资格申请New Start本科转学课程? 

  • 曾就读另一所大学且累计GPA低于2.5的学生。 

  • 中学GPA达到2.75或以上的学生。

  • 学生有正当理由导致之前的学术成绩不理想,并有纠正过去错误行为的能力。

学生在申请New Start本科转学衔接课程时需要提交哪些材料?

  • 高中和大学成绩单。如果大学GPA低于2.0,则要求高中GPA达到2.75。 

  • 由前⼀所⼤学的院⻓出具的⾏为报告。学⽣可向其教导主任申请出具此报告。(若代理获取行为报告存在困难,德鲁可予以协助。) 

  • 个⼈陈述,解释在前⼀所院校所⾯临的困境。 

  • 达到UTP入学要求的英语成绩。 

“The INTO staff provided comprehensive support in both academic and living aspects, helping me adapt quickly to the new environment. They continued to support me in all aspects of my academic and personal life, ensuring I had the resources and guidance needed to thrive at Drew.” 

Feiang (Jason)


BA in Psychology

"This program helps students by providing a better study experience and environment, which can help students integrate into the environment of living and learning at Drew University."



BS in Computer Science

Click here to download the New Start UTP social assets and flyers. These assets can be used in conversation with students.  


1. Does the student need to have 30 transferable credits?   

No, as long as the other documents are submitted. 

2. Will failed classes elsewhere be counted towards a student’s Drew cumulative GPA?  

No. Only classes with grades of C- or better can transfer to Drew. Students also have the option to NOT transfer their prior college level grades to Drew. Students interested in the combined degree programs in engineering with Columbia or Washington University should speak with an advisor before transferring credits.  

3. Is the New Start UTP entry option only for students who’ve studied in the US? Is it also open to students who’ve completed university-level courses globally?  

It is open to students globally.  

For the complete FAQ list, download our New Start UTP Program Guidelines.

Take the next step and help your students restart their academic journey. If you have any questions and want to speak with an advisor, contact Matt Zonis at 

Download the INTO Drew New Start UTP social assets and flyers.