硕士衔接课程工作室艺术课程(Graduate Pathway in Studio Arts)




Key Information

  • 衔接课程可为学生提供学术、语言和文化支持,使其在美国大学取得成功。
  • 学生们将与美国本土学生和其他国际学生一起在校内学习嵌入式课程,并向训练有素的大学教师和导师们学习,可以获益良多。

Program Details

硕士衔接课程工作室艺术课程(Graduate Pathway in Studio Arts)


Age Requirement


Academic Requirements
Bachelor's degree or equivalent with 2.3 GPA out of 4.0. Statement addressing ideas central to your current work and intentions for graduate study, as well as your studio discipline; 5-page sample of your academic writing; Image list of artworks in your digital portfolio (PDF file). For each artwork in your digital portfolio, include the following information in a list: file name corresponding to your digital portfolio(s), title, medium, size and date. Thumbnail images of the artworks are helpful but not required. Upload a digital portfolio of 15-20 images. Visit https://finearts.illinoisstate.edu/art/#tabs-accord-horz3 for more information.
English Language Requirements
TOEFL 79, IELTS 6.5, PTEA 53, Duolingo 105, or TOEFL Essentials 8.5.

注意: 信息可能会发生变化,申请决定可能会根据个人情况而有所不同。

2025 秋季 Start (Invalid Date)

程序 开始日期 : 2025年8月11日 - 程序 结束日期: 2025年12月12日

  • 学期 1 秋季: 2025年8月11日 - 2025年12月12日

Credit Number
Classes Title
Credit Units

Semester 1

ART 444
3 Credit Units
ART 451A88
3 Credit Units
IDS 431
3 Credit Units
IDS 401
3 Credit Units
Total credit units
12 Credit Units

* These courses are generally delivered through the INTO Center and are for Pathway students only. Students must maintain 2.0 GPA per semester to remain in good academic standing.


= Placement option available


= Study abroad option available

理学学士工作室艺术玻璃艺术(Studio Arts Glass(B.S.))

3.0 GPA, No grade below B.
English level %: No grade below B
Additional Requirements