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Undergraduate - Direct Entry


Direct Entry is the standard university admission route to apply directly to a degree program. The Mason Korea campus provides the same degrees and programs as the main campus in Fairfax, Virginia. Our six undergraduate programs are all conducted in English.


文学学士全球事务(韩国)(Global Affairs - B.A. - (Korea))

文学学士冲突分析与解决方法(韩国)(Conflict Analysis and Resolution - B.A. - (Korea))

文学学士经济学(韩国)(Economics - B.A. - (Korea))

理学学士会计,商务(韩国)(Accounting - Business - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士冲突分析与解决方法(韩国)(Conflict Analysis and Resolution - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士商业分析——商务(韩国)(Business Analytics - Business - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士市场营销,商务(韩国)(Marketing - Business - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士管理,商务(韩国)(Management - Business - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士管理信息系统——商务(韩国)(Management Information Systems -Business - B.S. - (Korea))

理学学士经济学(韩国)(Economics - B.S. - (Korea))