Inspiring student success
We’ve matched thousands of international students with their perfect-fit universities – and now their career dreams have become a reality.
Wherever you want to go, we’ll help you get there. So where will INTO Manchester take you?
Since 2008, INTO Manchester students have received offers from:
Where are our students now?
Our distinguished alumni include lawyers, entrepreneurs, architects, scientists and engineers – all united in their goals to shape a better future and make a significant impact in their field.
“Master’s Preparation is the perfect opportunity for everyone who needs a transitional period between studying in their home country and pursuing further studies abroad. If I could choose again, I would still choose to study Master’s Preparation at INTO Manchester.”
“I still remember when I was in my second year [at university] – it was not difficult for me to transition because I had the skills and technical perspective I needed, which had already been taught by INTO Manchester. The teachers there are very professional and very knowledgeable.”
“INTO Manchester was the first thing I ever experienced in the UK, so it was the best time and it prepared me for everything afterwards. Seeing my graduation photo displayed at INTO for future students makes me so proud of myself – of where I am now and everything that I’ve been through.”
Hanya, Egypt
Fundraising Communication Officer at the University of Liverpool
International Foundation at INTO Manchester
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism at Manchester Metropolitan University
"When I studied at INTO, I developed a routine and good habits to organise my tasks while managing my time effectively. My teachers Ashwini and Paul were exceptionally amazing. They helped me achieve the highest mark in my finance and accounting module."
"There is a university guidance team at INTO Manchester who help students apply to university. I received five offers and chose the University of Leeds, as it offers the course I wanted with a placement year too."
Expert placement support
Our dedicated Student Placement Team will help you get where you want to go.
Our university connections
Discover the 30+ leading UK universities offering a guaranteed place to INTO Manchester students.
Find your perfect pathway
Secure your place at a UK university with our academic courses in a range of subject pathways.