






London is the perfect place to taste the different flavors of the world, reflecting the city’s multicultural population. 

There are thousands of dining spots to explore here. Head to Chinatown for a wide selection of Chinese restaurants, Brick Lane for a curry or Brixton for Caribbean cuisine. Of course, don’t forget to try some of the UK’s specialties like fish and chips or a traditional roast dinner in a cozy pub. 

Studying in London is a good opportunity to practice important life skills, including money management and looking for ways to make your allowance further. Here's a sample estimated budget to get you started (actual costs may vary): 

Transport (single journey)


Taxi from the airport


Eating out (inexpensive meal)


Weekly grocery shop




Cinema ticket


University accommodation

From £355

Learn more about the cost of studying in the UK in this blog

London might be a big city, but getting around couldn’t be easier with the city’s excellent public transport system. You can explore the city by cycling or walking. You can also ride the iconic red buses, or the underground network of trains called the “Tube.” 

If you plan to explore other parts of the UK, there are nine major stations that provide links across the country. You can also visit other European cities including Paris, Brussels and Lille using the Eurostar. 


  • 音乐——数百个现场音乐和音乐会场馆,从世界著名的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅到The O2。伦敦周围还有许多小型音乐场所、酒吧或俱乐部,让你可以体验当地音乐并欣赏崭露头角音乐家的表演。 

  • 博物馆——伦敦有192家博物馆其中包括大英博物馆和自然历史博物馆等11家国家级博物馆。 

  • 画廊——欣赏伦敦数百家画廊展出的传统和当代艺术作品,包括泰特现代美术馆、国家美术馆、萨奇画廊等。 

  • 节日——体验独一无二的节日和庆祝活动,如诺丁山狂欢节、中国新年和海德公园的冬季仙境。有关伦敦活动的更多信息请访问官方访客指南。

  • 戏剧——在伦敦西区观看世界著名的演出。这里还有数百个喜剧之夜、音乐剧和戏剧表演可供观赏。从最新好莱坞大片到最佳国际电影,无数的电影院都有佳片上映。 

Watch a football match at Wembley, a rugby game at Twickenham, cricket at Lords or tennis at Wimbledon. London is a haven for every sports fan. 

Would you rather take part than watch the games? Try various sporting activities at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, cycle around the Lee Valley VeloPark and swim in the London Aquatics Centre. 



Best cheap eats in London 

From classic fish and chips to famous salt beef bagels, you’ll never run out of options when it comes to food. Discover the best food spots in London for under £10. 


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